Abracadabra - Bz Akira Santjago
Abracadabra - Bz Akira Santjago from bz akira santjago on Vimeo.
"Vivere significa creare. Vivere è esprimersi, e per esprimerti devi creare. La creazione non è mai mera ripetizione. Vivere significa esprimersi liberamente nella creazione."Bruce Lee
qui parlo di creatività libera e di percorso spirituale, e quindi di percorso creativo in libertà come percorso spirituale, terapeutico, in cui si fa pulizia, ci si libera degli inutili strati di personalità egoica che non appartengono al proprio vero sè e si scopre e ci si innamora della propria anima; puoi cadere, sbandare, fare errori enormi e stupidi, ma se stai andando dove vuole il tuo cuore, è certo, qualcuno verrà in tuo soccorso e ti aiuterà... quel qualcuno potete chiamarlo come volete, Dio, Universo, Allah, Gesù, Nataraja, per me l'unica cosa certa è che questo qualcuno esiste e mi sta guidando in questa cosa, dove creo, mi libero, cresco, mi diverto tremendamente, prego, mi esprimo, piango e poi sorrido... alla fine non sono niente di speciale, sono solo un essere umano, e per questo un essere creativo, il cuore di uno zero, al massimo uno strumento musicale particolare che cerca di essere il più accordato possibile per le mani dell'Universo...
"To live is to express, and to express you have to create. Creation is never merely repetition. To live is to express oneself freely in creation.” ~ Bruce Lee
“Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successfull personality and duplicate it.” ~ Bruce Lee
"There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.” ~ Bruce Lee
“As you think, so shall you become.” ~ Bruce Lee
"Of course it's meant as a discussion of what people do rather than what people should do. I'm not interested in preaching, and I don't think myself a guru in any sense. More than that, in this particular book I really meant to describe what I considered to be the revolutionary potential of everyday life, to put it in Situationist terms. The response has been pretty good -- I mean I don't get hundreds of letters or anything, but I do get lots of letters, and I do get lots of response -- and it seems to strike a chord especially with people in the arts, which is who it was meant for really. I mean, when I say people in the arts that could be anybody, not just professional artists; it could be anyone who feels a necessity for creative action in their life. My idea was to define a space which I feel exists (anyway), that's a private, even secret space, if you like... clandestine... in which the whole problem of commodification, the buying and selling of art, the turning of art into a commodity and the use of art to sell commodities, which is sort of a curse to the modern artist, is avoided, just plain avoided; just a withdrawal from that world and a reaffirmation of a creative power in everyday life, outside the life of commodity, the life of the market. After all, this is why all artists are artists, this is why one becomes an artist -- not to sell your soul to the company store but to create." Hakim Bey