Art Squat - Bz Akira Santjago
Nell'intro riscrivo Gustav Mahler; poi è sinfonia no. 1337 by Bz; l'Art Squat è come una sommossa che non si scontra direttamente con il potere, è un'operazione di guerriglia creativa che libera una area di spazio, tempo, immaginazione; è un enclave pirata di artisti liberi in libertà, un microcosmo del sogno anarchico di una cultura libera, qui e ora...
Artist squat culture is the most sincere expression of art; Artist squats are based around cultural production and create spaces for artists to produce and showcase their work in city centres where studio rent is notoriously high. Artist squats abolish the elitist image of galleries; Artist squats are like the phoenix. No matter how many are killed off, they will be forever reborn. An art squat is a name used to describe the action of artists to occupy (or squat in) an abandoned building, thereby creating studio space to create art. Art squats often have a semi-legal or illegal status. Squatting consists of occupying an abandoned or unoccupied area of land and/or a building that thesquatter does not own, rent or otherwise have lawful permission to use. Some squatting movements are political, such as anarchist, autonomist, or socialist.